Today, I have a Trip to Japan Pagoda (Aung Zabu Tawya Temple) regarded as a Great Buddha heritage.
Aung Zabu Tawya Temple is a new pagoda made by the Japanese people by donating Buddha statues so people of Myanmar call this temple “Japan Pagoda”.
Like a representation of the friendship between Japan and Myanmar .. Unlike the old pagodas, you can have a surprisingly fun time.

Japan Pagoda Trip
How to get to Japan Pagoda (Aung Zabu Tawya Temple)
The temple is located in Yegya village of Hmawbi Township, just 30 km north of Yangon center. You can reach here from the city in 1 hour by car.

If you use local transportation, you can take Yangon-Hmawbi bus and drop off Chaung Padok Bus Stop. There are many motor bike carriers near the bus stop to take you to the tample 3 miles away..

The pagoda is open Monday to Sunday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Very interesting and beauty Pagoda. I love it. It is like a a truly majestic and divine temple of Buddha and very like beautiful architecture temples in Bagan.
Japan Pagoda (Aung Zabu Tawya Temple)
Temple It is built on 30 acres and is visited by about 10,000 people a week.

Amazing collection of artifacts and antiquities of Buddha because they appear so real and life like.

These 301 Buddha images were created by ancient peoples and guarded by great powerful sakka and deities.

This tradition continues still today with pilgrims coming from different parts of Myanmar to behold and pray to the Great Buddha images.

To enable more people to enjoy the Japan Pagoda comfortably today, there is a one by one standing up system in place when viewing the Buddha images.
The temple is truly a must-see tourist destination in Yangon. So serene, so awesome and so breathtakingly beautiful.

It is a great place to take photographs and highly recommended trip!
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